



Genç Kalıp; Using its capabilities in plastic injection mold making and plastic production, it has gathered its products (modular band systems, multi-purpose glasses, mask wearing apparatus), which are 100% owned by itself, under the Good Way brand.

We know how important each stage of your operation is and what a single disruption will cost. We design, manufacture and assemble modular belts, where each part works in harmony with the other, that will provide you with solutions and convenience, not problems. From its raw material to its design; We carry out every step from mold to production with Genç Kalıp experience.

Why GoodWay?

We are aware that modular belts are indispensable equipment for the food industry, but we know that this awareness is not enough. Modular belts can be subjected to faulty production even when leaving the mold stage, and this can lead to a series of errors that can bring your business to a halt. We strive to make flawless, complete production from the first stage. Our motivation is our customers' increasing business capacities and profits. We calculate and develop our goals in line with these criteria.


Our R&D focus is to create products that are critical to the progress of the operation, which minimize production difficulties in the developing food and industry sectors. Goodway responds to the needs of inland transportation in production with its wide product range; It can serve in every field with its sector-based special design products. The user's criterion for modular band is no longer price, but material used and fast delivery. We have a solid organizational structure with the strength we get from our experience in the sector to meet these two criteria in the best way. With our high-tech products, we not only carry what you produce, but also you.

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